A Beginner’s Guide to Astrophotography

Astrophotography sounds like a mouthful with a little bit of geek to it. Well, it is not half as stoic as it sounds, and no, you don’t have to be a cosmologist to be an Astrophotographer. All you need is a keen interest in the night sky, a decent camera, a...

How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Photography Business?

Instagram has become the single most important platform for photographers worldwide. It allows you to reach a wider audience and helps you market your photography business without any significant investment.  While Instagram can be a very useful tool for...

What Are The Common Mistakes All Food Photographers Make?

Almost half of Americans love taking pictures of their food, as discovered through a survey. So, if you are a food photographer, standing out among all the amateur photographers is difficult for you. Here are some common mistakes you must avoid if you want to be a...

5 Online Tools for Mobile Phone Photography

Mobile phone cameras have yet to match DSLR or mirrorless cameras. However, they have made enough progress that they can replace the traditional point-and-shoot cameras. Nowadays, the new type of photography is mobile phone photography. Smartphone cameras are fast,...

Autumn Photography – The Top 3 Tips Every Photographer Needs

It’s not difficult to see why Autumn Photography is the favorite season of most photographers. With autumn comes a vast spectrum of bright yet moody colors and many natural phenomena worth a snap. However, there is a catch. Autumn is beautiful, but replicating...