One thing you must consider while setting up any business is image hosting. This service, without any doubt, is super beneficial for business owners as well as individuals.
Image hosting allows you to store your photos, videos, and entire graphic content on a hosting website by uploading there. The media content gets safely secured on the website’s servers. It enables you to share the image URL anywhere on the web.
Various platforms offer brilliant packages at reasonable prices once you create a hosting account. They allow you to save the data without any fear of digital or physical damage.
Why Do You Need Image Hosting for eBay?
Although eBay provides its own image hosting service, it lacks a few useful features and facilities that excellent hosting sites offer. Plus, it is costly too.
So, let’s look at some significant reasons why you need a hosting account.
1. Less creativity on eBay photo hosting
eBay doesn’t give you much room to get creative with your content management. Firstly, you are restricted to upload only 12 photos through the eBay hosting service.
Meanwhile, as a business, you could enjoy a lot more product images to display. A quality hosting site can give you the freedom to upload infinite visual sets.
2. Better image quality
Images are the backbone of your online business. You have to showcase your products through high-quality pictures to drive more customers and generate sales.
However, sometimes the image quality gets reduced after getting uploaded. It diminishes your chances of getting sales.
Hosting sites like Imagecoast enable you to use high-quality pictures without affecting the page speed and loading time. Hence, eBay vendors need to invest in a good photo hosting service.
3. More security
You don’t need to save hundreds of product photos and videos on your personal device anymore. Your data is highly secure in the data centers.
4. Easy management
You can access the content whenever you want. After opening the gallery, you can view, delete, resize, and rename the files. You can also share the links with your friends and family.
Bottom line
Investing in a good image hosting plan is the need of the hour. If you are starting an eBay business, it is highly recommended to do the same.
Most platforms provide free membership plans too. So, if you are convinced but somewhat reluctant about spending your money, you can check that out before going premium.